
News, Weather News

A Year of Mountain Extremes

Massive snowstorms followed by torrential downpours. Brutal winds gusting to 70, 80, even 90 miles an hour. Full-mountain freeze-downs followed by Herculean de-icing labors. Has there ever...

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Weather News

A June-uary Meltdown Gives Way to Second Winter

Anyone who was up on Mount Hood the weekend of January 26-27 understands the meaning of the June-uary inversion pattern that has been hammering the mountain in recent years....

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Weather News

Powder Shredders Rejoice as Snow Piles Up to 100 Inches by Mid-December

A barrage of powerful winter storms have blanketed Mount Hood with a deep layer of light, fluffy snow, and skiers and snowboarders have been hitting it hard....

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Weather News

Two and a Half Feet of Snow in a Week, and More on the Way this Weekend

The Snow Gods have been smiling down upon Mount Hood, and forecasts are calling for another foot and a half of fresh snow to fall this weekend....

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Weather News

Thanksgiving Week Storm Brings Just Enough Snow to Run Lifts on Mount Hood; Meadows Plans Daily Operations Starting Nov. 28

The great season-opening snowstorm that we’ve all been waiting for has not quite materialized, but Mount Hood did pick up enough snow over Thanksgiving to allow limited openings at...

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Weather News

Winter Roars Back with another Foot of Fresh

Temperatures plunged from the high 50s to the mid-20s this week on Mount Hood to enable another foot of fresh powder on top of a well-compacted 10-foot base....

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Weather News

A Stellar Snow Year so Far, and a Big Storm is Rolling in this Week

UPDATE, 5 PM WED: Whoah! The temp dropped 10 degrees from noon to 5 pm on the mountain today. That bodes well for the latest monster storm. What a difference a year makes....

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Weather News

Pray for Snow Gets Things Started for 2015-16

The snow situation was not looking good on the afternoon of the annual Pray for Snow party at Charlie’s....

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Weather News

After three months without real snow, yet another April Pow Day

You know it’s going to be a good day on the mountain when there’s fresh snow in the trees, hints of blue in the sky, and everyone in the lift line is beaming and cracking jokes....

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Weather News

Better Late than Never

Now that the season is nearly over, the snow just keeps coming....

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